

Mani Bhavan, Mumbai

If you have not visited Mani Bhavan, Mumbai - the memorial dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi, you might want to reconsider. It was Mani Bhavan that Gandhiji stayed between 1917 and 1934 during India's freedom struggle and it is the place from where Gandhiji initiated the Non-Cooperation, Satyagraha, Swadeshi, Khadi and Khilafat Movements.

This three storied building  is situated near Nana Chowk, Gamdevi, Mumbai. The  visiting time is restricted from 9.30 am to 6 pm and is open everyday.

A plaque outside the museum has the full name of the place with Gandhiji’s trademark  'Charkha'  on top of it.

There is a small counter at the entrance for enquiry.  Entry is free and photography is allowed inside the museum. Once you enter the place, there is a library with a statue of Gandhiji where people offer their tributes.

The library contains more than 50,000 books on Gandhiji, Gandhian thought and allied subjects. The rooms on the ground floor have been  converted into a picture gallery that displays an array of photos depicting important events, copies of documents, noteworthy clippings and letters.

Picture Gallery

On the wooden stairs leading to the first and second floor, Gandhiji's pictures depicting his life have been  installed.  On the first floor is a simple auditorium where you can see films related to Gandhiji.

On the second floor is Gandhiji’s room that was used during his stay . There is a glass partition and  people can see a small bed, a writing table, few books and his favorite Charkha with open windows and doors. You are not allowed into this room.

Gandhiji's Room

This room has miniature doll-like figures depicting Gandhiji's life.

Of course, visiting Mani Bhavan is something all of us need to do.


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